Organizing committee
It is with joy and pride that the organizing committee invites you to the 38th edition of the Festival Western de Saint-Quentin.
Our management office is efficient and committed and our employees are dynamic and determined.
The involvement of our many volunteers and the constant support of our sponsors ensure the continuity and success of our Festival.
Join us from July 9th to 14th.

From left to right: Pascale Labrie, Nicole Labrie, Jessie Deschênes, Maxime Thériault, Sonny Thériault, Janick Cyr, Isabelle Laplante, Patrick Thériault
Front: Guy Pineault
Nicole D. Labrie
It is with immense joy and great honor that we welcome you to the 38th edition of the Saint-Quentin Western Festival. Thanks to our generous sponsors and the hard work of our volunteers, I am delighted to share with you a packed program that will, I am sure, meet all your expectations.
Whether you are from the region or elsewhere, I invite you to take advantage of this week to celebrate and have fun in good company. Your participation year after year has allowed the Festival to thrive for 38 years. YEEHAW!!!

Nicole Somers
It is my pleasure to invite you to attend the 38th edition of the Western Festival of Saint Quentin, a colourful and thoroughly enjoyable event that every year brings together cowboys and cowgirls, families, friends and our loyal visitors. Join us in the many activities the Festival has prepared for you, including our traditional Pow-Pow, the Western Rodeo, the Miss Cowgirl Beauty Pageant, numerous musical performances, and come experience firsthand the genuine Saint Quentin hospitality and the warmth of our people.
While visiting us, make the best of the natural attractions of our region. Come to see us at our Old Train Station Tourist Centre so that we can tell you all about the Maple Capital of Atlantic Canada! The Town Council and I warmly welcome you to the largest Western Festival in the Maritimes. Happy Festival to all!

Guy Pineault
Honorary President
It gives me great pride to act as honorary president for this 38th edition of the Saint-Quentin Western Festival. I would like to congratulate the organizing committee and the entire team of employees and volunteers who worked tirelessly to present you with a range of activities for all tastes and all ages.
For 38 years, the Western Festival has been a must-see event for country music and rodeo fans. We are very happy to welcome you to our town for the biggest event of its kind in the Atlantic provinces.
Happy Festival to all!

Theme song "U-TURN"